
Bottom Shaming

One of the most common forms of sexual shaming we see in the gay community is towards bottoming. The closed-minded narratives that are perpetuated around receptive anal sex reflect a patriarchal belief system that inhibits our growth as a community. In this episode, we’re tackling the topic of bottom shaming and exploring questions like… Where […]

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One of the greatest obstacles along the spiritual path is an overactive ego – that fear-based part of you that needs to control outcomes and win at all costs.  But having an ego is necessary to the human experience, so how can we reconcile both the ego self and spiritual self?  In this episode, we’re

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Navigating Non-Binary

Change can be scary. And in today’s world of ever-evolving language around gender and identity, it can make it hard for someone to ask questions without feeling judged or misunderstood. In today’s episode, host Calan Breckon opens up the conversation around navigating non-binary with genderqueer author Jason June and what his journey was like and

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Spirituality is an umbrella term that means many different things to many people. In this episode, we’re revealing our own experience with spirituality and spiritual practices by exploring these questions:  What does spirituality mean to you? What in your life brought you to spirituality? What does your spiritual practice involve? Where can someone start if

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Toxic Positivity

Toxic positivity is the belief that people should maintain a positive mindset, no matter how challenging a situation may be.  This belief invalidates your authentic emotions and is a form of avoidance.  In this episode, we’re sharing our own experiences and understanding of toxic positivity and we’ll answer the questions: What are your thoughts on

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Emotional Health

While emotional health falls under the overall umbrella of mental health, it deserves its own conversation because your emotions have a profound impact on how you show up in the world and your overall quality of life. This episode will answer questions such as: What does it mean to be emotionally healthy? How can you

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Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions in the United States that affects an estimated 17.3 million adults and 3.2 million adolescents according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Research shows that gay and bisexual men are at a higher risk for: Major depression, Bipolar disorder, and, Generalized anxiety disorder, and are more

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