
Our Community

From the outside looking in, the queer community is seen as an inclusive space that celebrates diversity. Yet for many people, it feels quite exclusive and lonely.  In this episode, we are sharing our vision for the gay community and the different ways we are implementing this vision.  We’re talking about… What exactly is our

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Your mind is a powerful tool that you can use to create a life that you love. Your mindset is your overall outlook on life and it will determine whether you remain stuck spinning your wheels or moving towards your goals and dreams.  In this episode, we’re looking specifically at the difference between the Fixed

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Pretty Privilege

In this episode, Matt Landsiedel and Andre-Lee Wills unpack the hot topic of pretty privilege. Pretty privilege works on the principle that people who are deemed more attractive—based on accepted societal beauty standards—have an upper hand in the world and are afforded many opportunities that less “attractive” people don’t have. Yet, it’s not often that

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