
Body Representation

Mainstream and social media influence the norms of what is an attractive or acceptable body within our community.  Buying into this narrow definition is easy, but it can be detrimental to your self-image and self-esteem.   Body representation is the practice of celebrating a diverse range of body types and unlearning the conditioning that only

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Love Languages

There are countless ways to give and receive love. We each have unique preferences can change over time. Our “love languages” are influenced by factors such as our upbringing, attachment traumas, and relationship history.  In this episode, we’re going deeper into the Love Languages, specifically answering questions such as: ❤️ What are your love languages?

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Reinventing Yourself

One of the most exciting things about life is being able to transform your identity whenever you want. For most people, transformation happens naturally and gradually over time. But sometimes you can purposefully and intentionally undergo a process of personal reinvention to become a new version of yourself.  In this episode, we’re talking about Reinventing

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