Gay Men Going Deeper

Fear of Intimacy

Fear of Intimacy

Today, we are unpacking a seldom-discussed, but deeply relevant issue within the gay community: Fear of Intimacy.  Many men grapple with the challenge of opening up emotionally and forging meaningful connections. Often, we find ourselves settling for superficial encounters while yearning for something more meaningful. Today we’re discussing how the same emotional walls that protect

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Fear of Rejection

Fear of Rejection

One of the greatest fears that holds us back in love and in life is the fear of rejection.  In this episode,  we are acknowledging the daunting prospect of putting ourselves out there, whether it be romantically, sexually, or professionally. We dissect the psychology of rejection as it pertains to our past traumas, beliefs, and

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Healing with Plant Medicine (Psychedelics)

Healing with Plant Medicine (Psychedelics)

In this episode, Matt speaks with Reunion Founder, Brad Wells, and Psychotherapist/ Ayahuasquero, Alex Theberge, about healing with plant medicine (psychedelics).  We unpack the benefits of psychedelics and how plants can be used to heal many common issues where traditional psychotherapy might not be as effective. Psychedelics are becoming more mainstream and their powerful healing

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Gay and Asian: Panel Discussion

Gay and Asian: Panel Discussion

Join us for a compelling panel discussion as we spotlight the experiences of Asian gay men with our diverse panel of guests. Against the backdrop of intersectionality, our panelists share their personal journeys, confronting stereotypes, and navigating the complexities of race, sexuality, and culture. Through personal anecdotes and thought-provoking dialogue, we are looking at celebrating

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In this episode, we are discussing the intriguing topic of self-disclosure and its role in fostering genuine connections. Self-disclosure, the art of revealing personal information about yourself to others,  shapes our relationships on various levels.  Join us as we explore the psychology behind self-disclosure, its benefits, risks, and the delicate balance required for meaningful communication. 

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